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About Tannis

  • Empty nester Mom of two awe-inspiring, adult children, Certified BodyMind Coach, Registered Massage Therapist, Lymphatic Specialist - with extensive experience in post cosmetic surgery, RAPID Neurofascial therapist and Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I am the founder of Embodied Transitions Coaching where amazing women inspire me everyday to live life to its fullest and without apology! I love when I work with awe inspiring women (even if you think you are not) that want to be Bold, Resilient, Adventurous, Vibrant and Energized (BRAVE) despite struggles and challenges facing them. I invite you to work with me. 


  • ​I have found that clients need more support between massage appointments due to our extremely busy lives, demands on our time and this leaves us STRESSED OUT.  Through BodyMind Coaching, learn how to discover the unique opportunities to break patterns and habits in your life around your pain/stress so you feel physically better and able to be more present. These coaching sessions allow you to feel supported and accountable between sessions so feelings and thoughts don't catch up and manifest in the body as inflammation and pain. 



​Contact Information & Location​




                                   Located:  Erb and Westmount, Waterloo Ontario​



                                   Email: ​



                                   Phone:      2267516737













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